Traves Rees had a son named...
...Thomas Rees who married Mary Polly Smith and they had a son named...
.....William Rees who married Mary Jane Freeman and they had a son named...
.......Green Hill Reese who married Telitha Jane Freeman and they had a son named...
.........William Hanes Reese who married Nancy Rebecca Lunsford and they had a son named...
...........Bailey Bright Reese who married Lillian Vianna Conner and they had a son named...
.............Wilford William Reese who married Geneva Margaret Lamb and they had a daughter named...
...............Eleanor Elaine Reese who married William Avery Huneycutt and they had ME!
Traves Rees had a lot of variations on his name:
Travas Rees
Travas Reese
Travas Reece
Travis Rees
Travis Reese
Travis Reece
Travis Rhys
Travis Rease
Traves Rees
Traves Reese
Traves Reece
Travace Rees
Travace Reese
Travace Reece
Travers Rees
Travers Reese
Travers Reece
Traverse Rees
Traverse Reese
Traverse Reece
Traverse Rhese
Travis Ruse
Travis Ruase
Travis Reease
Also see my posts of the Reese Genealogy Newsletters about Travis Rees.
Travis Rees was born about 1742 in North Carolina. Travis married Ann ?. They had Thomas, Henry, John, Mary Rogers, Sarah Snow, Henry and Jesse Reese. We don't know who his parents were or any more about his wife.
1790 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, SC, Series: M637; Roll: 11, Page: 30, Image: 37, Family History Library Film: 0568151,
1790 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, SC
Travis Reece
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 4
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 3
Number of Household Members: 12
1800 U.S. Census of Greenville County, SC; Series: M32, Roll: 47, Page: 277, Image: 539, Family History Library Film: 181422,
1800 U.S. Census of Greenville, South Carolina
Name: Travis Ruase [Travis Reease, Travis Rees]
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 4
1810 U.S.Census of Greenville County, SC, Roll: 62, Page: 498, Image: 00107; Family History Library: 0181421,
1810 U.S. Census of Greenville, South Carolina
Name: J Beese[T Reese, J Reese]
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 6 Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 8
Court Minutes
Tax Record
NC State Archives - Tax Lists, LP 46.1, 1782 Tax List , Capt. Hardin's District
Traverse Rhese, 250 acres valued at 30, 1 Negro from 7016 and 40-50 yrs old valued at 409, 1 Horses and Mules valued at 15, 5 Cattle valued at 5, Total of Each One Property 90
Property Records
South Carolina, : Deed Book B, Pg 194, Travis Rees, 8/16/1816; Greenville County, SC, Greenville County, SC.
Deed of land purchased by Travace Rees in 8/16/1815. Deed Book B, Pg 194, Greenville County, SC. In 1819 this land was deeded again by Jesse Rees to Sarah Snow. Peter's Creek on the Enoree River is located in Simpsonville. The nearest road to where Peter's Creek enters the Enoree River is Hwy 417/146 (Woodruff Rd) at +34.793964 x -82.168851.
Actual text:
(Spelling intact)
State of S. Carolina
Greenville District
Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Towers of the State and district aforesaid for In consideration of one hundred and ten dollars to me in hand paid by Travis Rees of said state and Dist. have granted bargained sold and released and by these presents doth grant bargain and Sell unto the Said Travis Rees a plantation or tract of land situate lying and being in the State and district aforesaid on Peters Creek waters of Enoree River it being part of a tract originally Granted to Sarah Robertson lying on the S.W. Side of said tract beginning on a Hickory on the old line thence North 30 East to a pine thence South 60 East to a post oak thence on a conditional line with Isaac Towers to a stake on the old line thence North 60 West on the old line to the Beginning. One square half acre excepted for a grave yard leaving the Graves as near the center of the Exception as possible this including fifty acres more on left Together with all and singular the Rights Members hereditament (sic, ?) and appurtenances to the premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have above half acre discribed Excepted and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and for ever defend all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Traves Rees his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and against every other person lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof the above half acre Excepted In witness where of I have hereunto Leb (sic, ?) my hand and seal this 16th day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and in the 39th year of the Sovereignty of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of William Towers, Thomas Rees
Benjamin Towers (Seal)
State of South Carolina Spartanburgh District Personally appeared Thomas Rees before me and made oath that he saw Benjamin Towers sign seal and acknowlege the within and of conveyance for the use and purpose within mentioned and that himself and William Towers was subscribing witness Sworn to & Subscribed before me 26th Nov 1821
Recorded for first day of January 1827
Thos Poole
Thomas Rees
South Carolina, Sold to Travis Reese, 50 acres on Peters Creek, 3/2/1816; Greenville County, SC, Greenville County, SC.
Actual text:
(Spelling intact)
State of S. Carolina
Greenville District
Know all men by these presents that I Jeremiah Towers of the State and district aforesaid for and in consideration of fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Travis Reese of said State and District aforesaid the recipt whereof I do hereby acknowlege have granted bargained sold and released unto the Said Travis Reece his heirs and assigns and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release all that part or parcel of land situate lying to leeing in district on Peters Creek waters of Enoree River Beginning on a Chesnut corners x new the N.60 W. to the old line on a pine corner 3x went thence N.30 E. to a post oak corner 3x on thence S. 60 E. to a post oak corner on a drian (sic, ?) thence down Sd drean (sic, ?) to a white oak corner 3x new thence to the Beginning it being fifty acres more or less it being part of a tract originally Granted to Sarah Robertson on the fifth day of January one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Six Together with all and singular the Rights Members hereditament (sic, ?) and appurtenances to the Sd premises beloning or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and Singular the premises before mentioned unto the Sd Travis Reese his heirs and assigns for ever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and for ever defend all and singular the Sd premises unto the said Travis Reese his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and against every other person whomever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof Witness my hand and seal this 2nd day of March 1816 and in the 40th year of the Independence of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Rees, Isaac X (his mark) Towers
Jeremiah Towers (Seal)
War Records
Travace Reese and his son Thomas served the Patriotic cause while living in Wilkes County, North Carolina in the 1780's. A continental line soldier, who were paid in land grants. His voucher was for 13 lbs., 5 shillings, 6 pence and was issued to purchase 250 acres of land in Wilkes County, NC.
State of North Carolina} N5293
Salisbury District } L13.5.6.
This may certify that Travus Rees was
allowed thirteen pounds 5 shills and six-
Spei?? f??? ??bles Claims by ??pper
Board of ??deton the st day of Sept
By order James Hunter } Audrs
Sam Handman CB Traugott Bagge}
Index to Revolutionary War Army Accounts, Volumes I-XII, Volume I, pges 55-56, "Travers Rees - Volume XII, page 75, Folio 2".
Actual Text (spelling intact):
State of North Carolina, N5293
Salisbury District, L13, 5, 6
This may certify that Travers Rees was allowed thirteen pounds, five shillings and six pence
Special - Board of 1784
The Claims by - Deton the 25
Paper - Day of Sept 1784
By order: James Hunter and Traugott (sic) Bagge
Sam Henderson CB
Pd into the Entry Tahern (sic) office by Dan Carland
Traves Reece (endorsed by Traves in his own hand as Traves Reece)
The Treasurers and Comptrollers Records, Military Papers, Vols 40-66, Travas Rees, #5293, Granted by Bagge and Hunter on 9/1782
Actual Text:
Special Certificates Paid Into the Comptroller
No. 5293, By Whom Granted: Bagge and Hunter, To Whom Granted: Travas Rees, Date Sept, 1782, Sum 13 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence, Int. - , To What Time 25 May 1784, Total Amount Principal and Interest: 13 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence, Remarks - No Check
During the Revolutionary War, State Militia soldiers were paid in case and Continental Line soldiers were paid in land grants. On the back of the certificate is "Paid into the entry" indicating that the certificate was used as payment on a land entry. The certificate is endorsed in Travis' own hand. It may have been used as payment on 250 acres of land that Travis owned in Wilkes County, NC as early as 1782.
Greenville County, SC, Will Book A, Pg 275-276, Apt 6 File No. 396, Travace Rees, Probated 12/22/1817
(Spelling Intact)
Will of Travace Reese
In the name of God Amen I Travace Rees of South Carolina Greenville District Being Weak in Body But of Sound and Disposing mind and memory, but Calling to mind the Uncertainty of this Transitory life and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die I do make and Ordain this the last will and Testiment by me made and do hereby Revoke and Disannul all Former Wills and Testiments Heretofore made by me.
Imprimis I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Rees One Negro woman named Zilpah and her child James.
Item my will and Desire is that Sam George Esther and Child Elijar land and Stock of all kinds shall be Sold and The money Equally Divided amongst my Other children Namely Henry Rees John Rees and Jesse Rees Sarah Snow and Mary Rogers.
Item my will and Desire Further is that David Vaughn Shall Take John Rees with his part and Act as a Guardian for him as he is Not Capable of Taking Care of his Property.
Item my will and Desire is my old Negro Woman Named Betty shall be set Free and that David Vaughn Shall also act as her Guardian.
I Nominate and appoint David Vaughn and Beverly Braum Sole Executors of this my last will and Testiment.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty Sixth day of March one Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen.
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
In Presence of Us
Lewis Vaughn his
Polly Vaughn Travace X Rees (L.S.)
Probated December 22, 1817
S. Goodlet, O.G.D.
Recorded in Will Book A - Page 275-276
Apt 6 File No. 396
Estate Records
Actual text (spelling intact)
Warrant of Appraisement on the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased
South Carolina
Greeneville District
By Spartan Goodlett Esqr ordinary for Said District
To Charles Dean, Benjamin Land, Abriham Smith, and William Bramlet Esqr - You or any three of you are hereby authorised and empowered to repair to all such parts and places within the District aforesaid as you shall be decided unto by David Vaughan, and Beverly Braum, Executors of the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased, whensoever any of the goodsand Chattels of the said Deceased are do remain within the Said parts and places, and there view and appraise all and every the said goods and Chattels which shall be shewn unto you by the said Exts being first sworn to make a true and perfect Inventory and appraisement thereof and to return the same certified from under your hands to the said Executors within sixty days from the date hereof and this Shall be your Sufficient warrant for so doing
Given under my hand at office this Twenty ninth Day of December 0 in the year of our Lord 1817
Spartan Goodlett OGD
Andrew McCrary Esqu is authorised to quallify the above named apprasiers and to certify the same on the back of this warrant - Given under my hand this 29th Day of Decm, 1817
S. Goodlett O.G.D.
Record Book A Pages 239-240
Actual Text (spelling intact):
The Last Will and Tistament of Travace Rees
South Carolina
Greeneville District
By Spartan Goodlett Esq ordinary for said District Personally appeared before me Lewis Vaughan and being duly sworn doth say that he saw Travace Rees sign seal publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last will and Testament and that he the said Decd was then of a sound disposing mind memory and understanding the best of the deponents knowledge and belief and that he did writings the same at his reqest and in his presence
Given under my hand this 29th December 1817
S. Goodlett G.D.
Actual Text (spelling intact)
I do herby certify that I did quallify the within named Benjamin land and Abraham smith and William Blamlett as aprasers agreeable to the within order December the 31 1817
Andrew McCrary
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Just and Free Inventory of the Property Appraised of Travace Rees Decd
31 day of December 1817
Four Negroes......................................................... Value $2,400.00
One Yoke of Steers............................................................$35.00
Two Cows and Calves and Bull..............................................$30.00
Four Stacks of Blades........................................................$30.00
One lot of corn.....................................................................$45.00
5 Head of Hogs....................................................................$25.00
3 Head do (hogs).................................................................$9.00
2 1/2 Bushell Rye.................................................................$1.87 1/2
2 Empty Barrels.....................................................................$ .50
One X Cut and handsaw.......................................................$10.00
One young mare..................................................................$30.00
1 Grindstone...........................................................................$1.50
3 pair Traces...........................................................................$2.00
Com and Piers........................................................................$8.00
One Bed of Furniture..........................................................$12.00
One Table Chair and Barrel...................................................$1.00
2 Beds of Bedstead..............................................................$80.00
1 Chest.......................................................................................$8.00
2 wheels and 3 chairs...............................................................$6.00
1 guy and Vad Irons.................................................................$1.50
2 Bowls and 1 mug and 1/2 gallon Measure.....................$1.00
One Reel and 1 shott gun......................................................$3.00
Pewter and Table...................................................................$3.00
1 Oreen and Pott and water and foil.........................................$4.00
2 scythes and Cradle.................................................................$2.00
2 Sows.........................................................................................$6.00
2 Tight Barrels and tub............................................................$2.37 1/2
One pen Shucks
One lott of Tools......................................................................$37.37
One Sorrel Horse......................................................................$20.00
We do certify that the above is a Just and true appraisment of all the goods and chattels of Travace Rees Decd given under our hand this 31st day of December 1817
Abraham Smith, William Bramlet, B. Lawson
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Just and true Estimate of
All the goods and Chattels of
Travace Rees Decd Sold January 19th
1818 as Follows, Vig.
Four Negroes..............................................Value $3,120.00
Five Head of Fat Hogs..........................................$53.37
Two Head of Horses..............................................$52.25
2 scythes and Cradles...............................................$1.87 1/2
2 Pots of Old Iron...................................................$2.73 3/4
One Shott gun.........................................................$4.06 1/4
1 Pair Saddle Bags..................................................$1.50
One Chest..................................................................$7.06 1/4
4 chairs.........................................................................$1.50
2 Sows and Pigs...........................................................$26.89 1/2
One wheel..................................................................$2.25
two Cows and Calves.................................................$30.50
One Jug and Chair.......................................................$1.00
One lott of Old Tools..............................................$2.12
One lott do (Old Tools)..........................................$1.37 1/2
One Blade stack........................................................$4.00
52 acres of land........................................................$67.00
One lott of tools.......................................................$1.12 1/2
One Cask and Vinegar...............................................$ .86 1/4
One Ax and x cut saw (cross cut saw)..................$4.00
2 Small Shoats...........................................................$11.25
18 Barrels Corn.........................................................$51.58 3/4
and do (18 Barrels Corn)..........................................$17.50
196 Acres land..........................................................$365.00
One lott of old lumber..........................................$8.11 1/4
2 Beds and Furniture.................................................$31.50
One lott of Old Pewter.........................................$2.30
Pott metal..................................................................$3.93 3/4
One lott do (Pott metal).......................................$3.50
215 D seed Cotton.................................................$12.90
One Old Coffee mill...............................................$ .12 1/2
2 Old Tubs..................................................................$ .25
One Pen Shucks.......................................................$1.95
One Blade Stack.......................................................$4.00
One wheel..................................................................$1.81 1/4
.......................................................................................$3,886.99 3/4
Carried over
One Rule.....................................................................$ 56 1/4
52 Acres of land.......................................................$121.87 1/2
One loom and gins..................................................$6.18 3/4
One Ax..........................................................................$2.00
One Bed and Furniture..........................................$11.12 1/2
Smoothing Irons......................................................$1.05 1/4
One grindstone.......................................................$3.12 1/2
One Blade Stack......................................................$5.89 1/2
Wheat Straw..............................................................$ .50
Rye and Empty Barrel................................................$1.06 1/4
One Yoke of Oxen..................................................$32.00
........................................................................................$4,074.19 3/4
Notes Due..................................................................$164.96 1/4
Cash in Hand.............................................................$34.89 1/2
Total amt....................................................................$4,2940.01 1/2
Actual Text (intact spelling)
The first years Return of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased up to the 7th February 1820 by Beverly Braum Executor
Received of money owing before the death of the Testator
Received of Jordan Rees.......................................................................$........6.00
Received of money arising from the Sale of the said Estate....................$2,280.24
Take off 6 dollars mistake.......................................................................$........6.00
Amount Paid away
Work and Paid ordinary..........................................................................$........5.68
1818 Jan 20th Paid Cryer of Sale...........................................................$........4.00
May 5th 1819 Paid for Coffin................................................................$........2.00
Paid three appraisers...............................................................................$.......3.00
B. Bomum Exct
Made before me on oath this
7th February 1820
S. Goodlett O.G.D.
The First Year's Return of the Estate of Travace Rees Decd
Actual Text (spelling intact)
South Carolina
Greenville district
To John Watson ordinary for said district
The petition of Beverly Bossoum and David Vaughn Exrs of the will of Travace Reece decds Sheweth That there is a small portion of personal estate left at the death of his late son John Reese undisposed of. Your petitioners crave an order of sale for the same in order to pay expenses and make distribution. Given under our hands April 3rd 1837
B. Bassoum
David Vaughan
South Carolina
Greenville district
By John Watson ordinary for sd district
Having only considered the above petition I do hereby order a sale of all the above mentioned property on a credit until Dec 25th next Ten days notice being given at three or more public places in the vicinity of the property. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of April 1837
Jno Watson
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Sale bill of
Estate of Travace Reese
No. 2
A Just and True Inventory of all the goods
Chattels Remaining of Travace Rees
One Tract of lant 196 Acres...........................$298.00
One Cow and Calf...............................................$13.00
One do (One Cow and Calf)...........................$11.93 3/4
One lott of tools..................................................$1.12 1/2
One lott of Corn...................................................$3.50
One Sow and Pigs...............................................$7.50
One Trunk...............................................................$ .56 1/4
One Table and tub..............................................$ .31 1/4
One Midiling of Bacon......................................$ .58 1/4
One Bridel & Curry Comb................................$ .75
One Saddle..............................................................$7.00
2 Axes........................................................................$1.56 1/4
One Churn and Pewter.......................................$1.31 1/4
One Bed...................................................................$5.87 1/2
One small Oven.....................................................$ .25
One Rifle gun..........................................................$6.25
Total Amt..................................................................$359.50
I Beverly Borroum noe of the executor of the Estate of Travace Rees decsd do certify the above to be a true return of the sale, of all the residue that I know of
April 17th 1837 B. Bomum
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Final Settlement of the Estate of Travace Reese decd up to the 29th Jany 1839
To Amt of Sale bill dew Jany 18 1819..............................$4,274.01 1/2
Deduct debr to...................................................................$...238.74 1/4
Amt to be distributed agreeably.........................................$4,035.25 1/4
to will (saydisc) (?)
Each Share............................................................................$....672.54
By executors comp on $4274. at 5 per..........$213.70
By expenses to paid on first return................$ 25.06 1/4
Amt of Dew and day 7 July 1830..................$238.76 1/4
D. David Vaughn Trustee for Jno Reese decd
in and with the __illegible__ of Said dedsc
To amt of Sale of the property of said John after his death...$359.50
Deduct amt paid......................................................................$ 60.84
Amt to be distributed among the heirs of John Reese desd...$298.66
By paid Thomas R. Brockman................$12.122
By paid W. Crumpton Do .......................$33.372
By paid Paid ordinary's fees.....................$ 4.872
Do Do and record.....................................$ 1.50
By comp paying out $359.50 at 2 1/2 .....$8.97
Amt paid In............................................$60.84 1/2
Made on oath and voucher produced Jany 10th 1842
Jno WAtson
South Carolina
Greenville district
In the Court of ordinary
If appearing that there was in the first return of the Estate of Travace Reese decs dated the 7th July 1820 a mistake of $14.68 against the heirs. Than this day audited the ofc of the executor and of the __illegible__ debts and expenses I find the sum of four thousand and thirty dollars 54/100 to be distributed agreeably to will
It also appears that David Vaughn the above named executor was appointed by the will to take charge of John Reeses Share be being deceased by his father incomeptent The said John having died, and his land and effects being sold by the executors for three hundred and fifty nine dollars 50/100 as above stated and and after deducting debts to these __illegible__ two hundred and ninety eight dollars and 66/100 which Turn I decress in favor of the hiers that may legally claim on the 28 Jany 1837 - Given under my hand this 10 Jany 1842
Jno Watson O.G.D.
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Gainsboro, Ten Aug 23rd 1855
To the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary
Greenville district, South Carolina
Dear Sir, I have been requested by one of the heirs of Mary Rogers deceased, who was an heir at law of Travase Reece Decd, who died suppose in your district in 1837 or 1838, to enquire of you if Mary Rogers' share of said estate has ever been paid over to any person and if so to whom and upon what authority.
It is impossible for me to know what your fee maybe for a Search, but if you will look into it and find the information sought and if you will and Send this amount of your account it will be paid.
Three of the heirs of Mary Rogers made a power of attorney to collect their Share of said estate but have never got one cent and I believe they think their lawyer in the county got it.
TH Butler
Actual text of letter from Patterson Reese at age 67 yrs old (Spelling intact, comments in parenthesis are mine)
Mars Hill, N.C.
May 29, 1914
My Dear nephew your letter to hand yesterday g hason to ancer the some I reind your other letter laid it a way cumming to ancer it in a fiew days got it misplaced could not find it hav not found it till this day. I could not think of your Steet no. tht explains my not ancering your other letter now as to our ancisters I no very little as I was the youges child and herd but little
said about my gran pairents my father (his father was Preacher Billy Reese so Patterson's paternal grandfather was Thomas Rees) come to western NC from South Carolina I think my gran PaPa Reese (His great grandfather) nane was Travis my father had Several Brothers one named Levi and one named Jackson. Levi lived in South Carolina. Jackson lived in Cherykey Co tha both lived to a Ripe old age some of my grait uncles names was Jessie Reese and Jordan Reese.
I do not no any thing futher back than that do not no whare the record you speak of Rev Thomes having is if it is not destroid it mite be with some of Betsy Corters papers tho I have no way of noing. I wold like very much to see the Book you speak of if I can boen any thing of impotonce futher I will write you. A.H. Reese (is A.H. Reese his son, Ammons Hollingsworth Reese? Ammons didn't die until 1941, he was a cobbler making shoes in his own shop) is very sick with Hip joint diseas he con not git in and out of bed with out taking morphean to didden the
pain I fer he will not expefoker the Dr says it is tubercalosis of the hip joint if it is he will never recover tho I hope for the better He has a larg famly and is in a pittable condition.
C.W. Reese (another son, Curtis Williford Reese, was the 8th of 9 children) sent him 5 dolars I have helped him 10 dollars cash since he has bein sick he has worked very hard until he got partime work. He worked when he ought to have been in Bed. you ought to write Him and try to cher him up and if you hav any spair dollar
inclose it in the letter he will graitly apreciate it and it wold come in good to buy metison with if we ever liston any thing for charity we should do it uppon the living
hope you are all well I will see Welch if he visits the Hill which he will before the Ele chior and urge the mat of promoting you and your boyes. We ar only tol while will he wether is hat and eling here now.
Leila and H.H. (Leila Reese is Patterson's 9th out of 9 children and she married Rev. Herbert Harold Huneycutt) is gown to the Eastern part of the stat H.H. is Pastor of 3 churches down their his salary is one thousan dollars and a House to liv in fece you and the Boyes write me ofton keep me posted as to the prospect of your success to hold your positions
Your Uncle
Patterson Reese
...Thomas Rees who married Mary Polly Smith and they had a son named...
.....William Rees who married Mary Jane Freeman and they had a son named...
.......Green Hill Reese who married Telitha Jane Freeman and they had a son named...
.........William Hanes Reese who married Nancy Rebecca Lunsford and they had a son named...
...........Bailey Bright Reese who married Lillian Vianna Conner and they had a son named...
.............Wilford William Reese who married Geneva Margaret Lamb and they had a daughter named...
...............Eleanor Elaine Reese who married William Avery Huneycutt and they had ME!
Traves Rees had a lot of variations on his name:
Travas Rees
Travas Reese
Travas Reece
Travis Rees
Travis Reese
Travis Reece
Travis Rhys
Travis Rease
Traves Rees
Traves Reese
Traves Reece
Travace Rees
Travace Reese
Travace Reece
Travers Rees
Travers Reese
Travers Reece
Traverse Rees
Traverse Reese
Traverse Reece
Traverse Rhese
Travis Ruse
Travis Ruase
Travis Reease
Also see my posts of the Reese Genealogy Newsletters about Travis Rees.
Travis Rees was born about 1742 in North Carolina. Travis married Ann ?. They had Thomas, Henry, John, Mary Rogers, Sarah Snow, Henry and Jesse Reese. We don't know who his parents were or any more about his wife.
1790 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, SC, Series: M637; Roll: 11, Page: 30, Image: 37, Family History Library Film: 0568151,
1790 U.S. Census of Spartanburg County, SC
Travis Reece
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 4
Free White Persons - Females: 3
Number of Slaves : 3
Number of Household Members: 12
1800 U.S. Census of Greenville County, SC; Series: M32, Roll: 47, Page: 277, Image: 539, Family History Library Film: 181422,
1800 U.S. Census of Greenville, South Carolina
Name: Travis Ruase [Travis Reease, Travis Rees]
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Number of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 4
1810 U.S.Census of Greenville County, SC, Roll: 62, Page: 498, Image: 00107; Family History Library: 0181421,
1810 U.S. Census of Greenville, South Carolina
Name: J Beese[T Reese, J Reese]
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 6 Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 8
Court Minutes
Tax Record
NC State Archives - Tax Lists, LP 46.1, 1782 Tax List , Capt. Hardin's District
Traverse Rhese, 250 acres valued at 30, 1 Negro from 7016 and 40-50 yrs old valued at 409, 1 Horses and Mules valued at 15, 5 Cattle valued at 5, Total of Each One Property 90
Property Records
South Carolina, : Deed Book B, Pg 194, Travis Rees, 8/16/1816; Greenville County, SC, Greenville County, SC.
Deed of land purchased by Travace Rees in 8/16/1815. Deed Book B, Pg 194, Greenville County, SC. In 1819 this land was deeded again by Jesse Rees to Sarah Snow. Peter's Creek on the Enoree River is located in Simpsonville. The nearest road to where Peter's Creek enters the Enoree River is Hwy 417/146 (Woodruff Rd) at +34.793964 x -82.168851.
Actual text:
(Spelling intact)
State of S. Carolina
Greenville District
Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Towers of the State and district aforesaid for In consideration of one hundred and ten dollars to me in hand paid by Travis Rees of said state and Dist. have granted bargained sold and released and by these presents doth grant bargain and Sell unto the Said Travis Rees a plantation or tract of land situate lying and being in the State and district aforesaid on Peters Creek waters of Enoree River it being part of a tract originally Granted to Sarah Robertson lying on the S.W. Side of said tract beginning on a Hickory on the old line thence North 30 East to a pine thence South 60 East to a post oak thence on a conditional line with Isaac Towers to a stake on the old line thence North 60 West on the old line to the Beginning. One square half acre excepted for a grave yard leaving the Graves as near the center of the Exception as possible this including fifty acres more on left Together with all and singular the Rights Members hereditament (sic, ?) and appurtenances to the premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have above half acre discribed Excepted and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and for ever defend all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Traves Rees his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and against every other person lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof the above half acre Excepted In witness where of I have hereunto Leb (sic, ?) my hand and seal this 16th day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifteen and in the 39th year of the Sovereignty of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of William Towers, Thomas Rees
Benjamin Towers (Seal)
State of South Carolina Spartanburgh District Personally appeared Thomas Rees before me and made oath that he saw Benjamin Towers sign seal and acknowlege the within and of conveyance for the use and purpose within mentioned and that himself and William Towers was subscribing witness Sworn to & Subscribed before me 26th Nov 1821
Recorded for first day of January 1827
Thos Poole
Thomas Rees
South Carolina, Sold to Travis Reese, 50 acres on Peters Creek, 3/2/1816; Greenville County, SC, Greenville County, SC.
Actual text:
(Spelling intact)
State of S. Carolina
Greenville District
Know all men by these presents that I Jeremiah Towers of the State and district aforesaid for and in consideration of fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Travis Reese of said State and District aforesaid the recipt whereof I do hereby acknowlege have granted bargained sold and released unto the Said Travis Reece his heirs and assigns and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release all that part or parcel of land situate lying to leeing in district on Peters Creek waters of Enoree River Beginning on a Chesnut corners x new the N.60 W. to the old line on a pine corner 3x went thence N.30 E. to a post oak corner 3x on thence S. 60 E. to a post oak corner on a drian (sic, ?) thence down Sd drean (sic, ?) to a white oak corner 3x new thence to the Beginning it being fifty acres more or less it being part of a tract originally Granted to Sarah Robertson on the fifth day of January one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Six Together with all and singular the Rights Members hereditament (sic, ?) and appurtenances to the Sd premises beloning or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and Singular the premises before mentioned unto the Sd Travis Reese his heirs and assigns for ever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and for ever defend all and singular the Sd premises unto the said Travis Reese his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and against every other person whomever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof Witness my hand and seal this 2nd day of March 1816 and in the 40th year of the Independence of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Rees, Isaac X (his mark) Towers
Jeremiah Towers (Seal)
War Records
Travace Reese and his son Thomas served the Patriotic cause while living in Wilkes County, North Carolina in the 1780's. A continental line soldier, who were paid in land grants. His voucher was for 13 lbs., 5 shillings, 6 pence and was issued to purchase 250 acres of land in Wilkes County, NC.
State of North Carolina} N5293
Salisbury District } L13.5.6.
This may certify that Travus Rees was
allowed thirteen pounds 5 shills and six-
Spei?? f??? ??bles Claims by ??pper
Board of ??deton the st day of Sept
By order James Hunter } Audrs
Sam Handman CB Traugott Bagge}
Index to Revolutionary War Army Accounts, Volumes I-XII, Volume I, pges 55-56, "Travers Rees - Volume XII, page 75, Folio 2".
Actual Text (spelling intact):
State of North Carolina, N5293
Salisbury District, L13, 5, 6
This may certify that Travers Rees was allowed thirteen pounds, five shillings and six pence
Special - Board of 1784
The Claims by - Deton the 25
Paper - Day of Sept 1784
By order: James Hunter and Traugott (sic) Bagge
Sam Henderson CB
Pd into the Entry Tahern (sic) office by Dan Carland
Traves Reece (endorsed by Traves in his own hand as Traves Reece)
The Treasurers and Comptrollers Records, Military Papers, Vols 40-66, Travas Rees, #5293, Granted by Bagge and Hunter on 9/1782
Actual Text:
Special Certificates Paid Into the Comptroller
No. 5293, By Whom Granted: Bagge and Hunter, To Whom Granted: Travas Rees, Date Sept, 1782, Sum 13 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence, Int. - , To What Time 25 May 1784, Total Amount Principal and Interest: 13 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence, Remarks - No Check
During the Revolutionary War, State Militia soldiers were paid in case and Continental Line soldiers were paid in land grants. On the back of the certificate is "Paid into the entry" indicating that the certificate was used as payment on a land entry. The certificate is endorsed in Travis' own hand. It may have been used as payment on 250 acres of land that Travis owned in Wilkes County, NC as early as 1782.
Greenville County, SC, Will Book A, Pg 275-276, Apt 6 File No. 396, Travace Rees, Probated 12/22/1817
(Spelling Intact)
Will of Travace Reese
In the name of God Amen I Travace Rees of South Carolina Greenville District Being Weak in Body But of Sound and Disposing mind and memory, but Calling to mind the Uncertainty of this Transitory life and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die I do make and Ordain this the last will and Testiment by me made and do hereby Revoke and Disannul all Former Wills and Testiments Heretofore made by me.
Imprimis I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Rees One Negro woman named Zilpah and her child James.
Item my will and Desire is that Sam George Esther and Child Elijar land and Stock of all kinds shall be Sold and The money Equally Divided amongst my Other children Namely Henry Rees John Rees and Jesse Rees Sarah Snow and Mary Rogers.
Item my will and Desire Further is that David Vaughn Shall Take John Rees with his part and Act as a Guardian for him as he is Not Capable of Taking Care of his Property.
Item my will and Desire is my old Negro Woman Named Betty shall be set Free and that David Vaughn Shall also act as her Guardian.
I Nominate and appoint David Vaughn and Beverly Braum Sole Executors of this my last will and Testiment.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty Sixth day of March one Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen.
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
In Presence of Us
Lewis Vaughn his
Polly Vaughn Travace X Rees (L.S.)
Probated December 22, 1817
S. Goodlet, O.G.D.
Recorded in Will Book A - Page 275-276
Apt 6 File No. 396
Estate Records
Actual text (spelling intact)
Warrant of Appraisement on the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased
South Carolina
Greeneville District
By Spartan Goodlett Esqr ordinary for Said District
To Charles Dean, Benjamin Land, Abriham Smith, and William Bramlet Esqr - You or any three of you are hereby authorised and empowered to repair to all such parts and places within the District aforesaid as you shall be decided unto by David Vaughan, and Beverly Braum, Executors of the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased, whensoever any of the goodsand Chattels of the said Deceased are do remain within the Said parts and places, and there view and appraise all and every the said goods and Chattels which shall be shewn unto you by the said Exts being first sworn to make a true and perfect Inventory and appraisement thereof and to return the same certified from under your hands to the said Executors within sixty days from the date hereof and this Shall be your Sufficient warrant for so doing
Given under my hand at office this Twenty ninth Day of December 0 in the year of our Lord 1817
Spartan Goodlett OGD
Andrew McCrary Esqu is authorised to quallify the above named apprasiers and to certify the same on the back of this warrant - Given under my hand this 29th Day of Decm, 1817
S. Goodlett O.G.D.
Record Book A Pages 239-240
Actual Text (spelling intact):
The Last Will and Tistament of Travace Rees
South Carolina
Greeneville District
By Spartan Goodlett Esq ordinary for said District Personally appeared before me Lewis Vaughan and being duly sworn doth say that he saw Travace Rees sign seal publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last will and Testament and that he the said Decd was then of a sound disposing mind memory and understanding the best of the deponents knowledge and belief and that he did writings the same at his reqest and in his presence
Given under my hand this 29th December 1817
S. Goodlett G.D.
Actual Text (spelling intact)
I do herby certify that I did quallify the within named Benjamin land and Abraham smith and William Blamlett as aprasers agreeable to the within order December the 31 1817
Andrew McCrary
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Just and Free Inventory of the Property Appraised of Travace Rees Decd
31 day of December 1817
Four Negroes......................................................... Value $2,400.00
One Yoke of Steers............................................................$35.00
Two Cows and Calves and Bull..............................................$30.00
Four Stacks of Blades........................................................$30.00
One lot of corn.....................................................................$45.00
5 Head of Hogs....................................................................$25.00
3 Head do (hogs).................................................................$9.00
2 1/2 Bushell Rye.................................................................$1.87 1/2
2 Empty Barrels.....................................................................$ .50
One X Cut and handsaw.......................................................$10.00
One young mare..................................................................$30.00
1 Grindstone...........................................................................$1.50
3 pair Traces...........................................................................$2.00
Com and Piers........................................................................$8.00
One Bed of Furniture..........................................................$12.00
One Table Chair and Barrel...................................................$1.00
2 Beds of Bedstead..............................................................$80.00
1 Chest.......................................................................................$8.00
2 wheels and 3 chairs...............................................................$6.00
1 guy and Vad Irons.................................................................$1.50
2 Bowls and 1 mug and 1/2 gallon Measure.....................$1.00
One Reel and 1 shott gun......................................................$3.00
Pewter and Table...................................................................$3.00
1 Oreen and Pott and water and foil.........................................$4.00
2 scythes and Cradle.................................................................$2.00
2 Sows.........................................................................................$6.00
2 Tight Barrels and tub............................................................$2.37 1/2
One pen Shucks
One lott of Tools......................................................................$37.37
One Sorrel Horse......................................................................$20.00
We do certify that the above is a Just and true appraisment of all the goods and chattels of Travace Rees Decd given under our hand this 31st day of December 1817
Abraham Smith, William Bramlet, B. Lawson
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Just and true Estimate of
All the goods and Chattels of
Travace Rees Decd Sold January 19th
1818 as Follows, Vig.
Four Negroes..............................................Value $3,120.00
Five Head of Fat Hogs..........................................$53.37
Two Head of Horses..............................................$52.25
2 scythes and Cradles...............................................$1.87 1/2
2 Pots of Old Iron...................................................$2.73 3/4
One Shott gun.........................................................$4.06 1/4
1 Pair Saddle Bags..................................................$1.50
One Chest..................................................................$7.06 1/4
4 chairs.........................................................................$1.50
2 Sows and Pigs...........................................................$26.89 1/2
One wheel..................................................................$2.25
two Cows and Calves.................................................$30.50
One Jug and Chair.......................................................$1.00
One lott of Old Tools..............................................$2.12
One lott do (Old Tools)..........................................$1.37 1/2
One Blade stack........................................................$4.00
52 acres of land........................................................$67.00
One lott of tools.......................................................$1.12 1/2
One Cask and Vinegar...............................................$ .86 1/4
One Ax and x cut saw (cross cut saw)..................$4.00
2 Small Shoats...........................................................$11.25
18 Barrels Corn.........................................................$51.58 3/4
and do (18 Barrels Corn)..........................................$17.50
196 Acres land..........................................................$365.00
One lott of old lumber..........................................$8.11 1/4
2 Beds and Furniture.................................................$31.50
One lott of Old Pewter.........................................$2.30
Pott metal..................................................................$3.93 3/4
One lott do (Pott metal).......................................$3.50
215 D seed Cotton.................................................$12.90
One Old Coffee mill...............................................$ .12 1/2
2 Old Tubs..................................................................$ .25
One Pen Shucks.......................................................$1.95
One Blade Stack.......................................................$4.00
One wheel..................................................................$1.81 1/4
.......................................................................................$3,886.99 3/4
Carried over
One Rule.....................................................................$ 56 1/4
52 Acres of land.......................................................$121.87 1/2
One loom and gins..................................................$6.18 3/4
One Ax..........................................................................$2.00
One Bed and Furniture..........................................$11.12 1/2
Smoothing Irons......................................................$1.05 1/4
One grindstone.......................................................$3.12 1/2
One Blade Stack......................................................$5.89 1/2
Wheat Straw..............................................................$ .50
Rye and Empty Barrel................................................$1.06 1/4
One Yoke of Oxen..................................................$32.00
........................................................................................$4,074.19 3/4
Notes Due..................................................................$164.96 1/4
Cash in Hand.............................................................$34.89 1/2
Total amt....................................................................$4,2940.01 1/2
Actual Text (intact spelling)
The first years Return of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Estate of Travace Rees Deceased up to the 7th February 1820 by Beverly Braum Executor
Received of money owing before the death of the Testator
Received of Jordan Rees.......................................................................$........6.00
Received of money arising from the Sale of the said Estate....................$2,280.24
Take off 6 dollars mistake.......................................................................$........6.00
Amount Paid away
Work and Paid ordinary..........................................................................$........5.68
1818 Jan 20th Paid Cryer of Sale...........................................................$........4.00
May 5th 1819 Paid for Coffin................................................................$........2.00
Paid three appraisers...............................................................................$.......3.00
B. Bomum Exct
Made before me on oath this
7th February 1820
S. Goodlett O.G.D.
The First Year's Return of the Estate of Travace Rees Decd
Actual Text (spelling intact)
South Carolina
Greenville district
To John Watson ordinary for said district
The petition of Beverly Bossoum and David Vaughn Exrs of the will of Travace Reece decds Sheweth That there is a small portion of personal estate left at the death of his late son John Reese undisposed of. Your petitioners crave an order of sale for the same in order to pay expenses and make distribution. Given under our hands April 3rd 1837
B. Bassoum
David Vaughan
South Carolina
Greenville district
By John Watson ordinary for sd district
Having only considered the above petition I do hereby order a sale of all the above mentioned property on a credit until Dec 25th next Ten days notice being given at three or more public places in the vicinity of the property. Given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of April 1837
Jno Watson
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Sale bill of
Estate of Travace Reese
No. 2
A Just and True Inventory of all the goods
Chattels Remaining of Travace Rees
One Tract of lant 196 Acres...........................$298.00
One Cow and Calf...............................................$13.00
One do (One Cow and Calf)...........................$11.93 3/4
One lott of tools..................................................$1.12 1/2
One lott of Corn...................................................$3.50
One Sow and Pigs...............................................$7.50
One Trunk...............................................................$ .56 1/4
One Table and tub..............................................$ .31 1/4
One Midiling of Bacon......................................$ .58 1/4
One Bridel & Curry Comb................................$ .75
One Saddle..............................................................$7.00
2 Axes........................................................................$1.56 1/4
One Churn and Pewter.......................................$1.31 1/4
One Bed...................................................................$5.87 1/2
One small Oven.....................................................$ .25
One Rifle gun..........................................................$6.25
Total Amt..................................................................$359.50
I Beverly Borroum noe of the executor of the Estate of Travace Rees decsd do certify the above to be a true return of the sale, of all the residue that I know of
April 17th 1837 B. Bomum
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Final Settlement of the Estate of Travace Reese decd up to the 29th Jany 1839
To Amt of Sale bill dew Jany 18 1819..............................$4,274.01 1/2
Deduct debr to...................................................................$...238.74 1/4
Amt to be distributed agreeably.........................................$4,035.25 1/4
to will (saydisc) (?)
Each Share............................................................................$....672.54
By executors comp on $4274. at 5 per..........$213.70
By expenses to paid on first return................$ 25.06 1/4
Amt of Dew and day 7 July 1830..................$238.76 1/4
D. David Vaughn Trustee for Jno Reese decd
in and with the __illegible__ of Said dedsc
To amt of Sale of the property of said John after his death...$359.50
Deduct amt paid......................................................................$ 60.84
Amt to be distributed among the heirs of John Reese desd...$298.66
By paid Thomas R. Brockman................$12.122
By paid W. Crumpton Do .......................$33.372
By paid Paid ordinary's fees.....................$ 4.872
Do Do and record.....................................$ 1.50
By comp paying out $359.50 at 2 1/2 .....$8.97
Amt paid In............................................$60.84 1/2
Made on oath and voucher produced Jany 10th 1842
Jno WAtson
South Carolina
Greenville district
In the Court of ordinary
If appearing that there was in the first return of the Estate of Travace Reese decs dated the 7th July 1820 a mistake of $14.68 against the heirs. Than this day audited the ofc of the executor and of the __illegible__ debts and expenses I find the sum of four thousand and thirty dollars 54/100 to be distributed agreeably to will
It also appears that David Vaughn the above named executor was appointed by the will to take charge of John Reeses Share be being deceased by his father incomeptent The said John having died, and his land and effects being sold by the executors for three hundred and fifty nine dollars 50/100 as above stated and and after deducting debts to these __illegible__ two hundred and ninety eight dollars and 66/100 which Turn I decress in favor of the hiers that may legally claim on the 28 Jany 1837 - Given under my hand this 10 Jany 1842
Jno Watson O.G.D.
Actual Text (spelling intact)
Gainsboro, Ten Aug 23rd 1855
To the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary
Greenville district, South Carolina
Dear Sir, I have been requested by one of the heirs of Mary Rogers deceased, who was an heir at law of Travase Reece Decd, who died suppose in your district in 1837 or 1838, to enquire of you if Mary Rogers' share of said estate has ever been paid over to any person and if so to whom and upon what authority.
It is impossible for me to know what your fee maybe for a Search, but if you will look into it and find the information sought and if you will and Send this amount of your account it will be paid.
Three of the heirs of Mary Rogers made a power of attorney to collect their Share of said estate but have never got one cent and I believe they think their lawyer in the county got it.
TH Butler
Actual text of letter from Patterson Reese at age 67 yrs old (Spelling intact, comments in parenthesis are mine)
Mars Hill, N.C.
May 29, 1914
My Dear nephew your letter to hand yesterday g hason to ancer the some I reind your other letter laid it a way cumming to ancer it in a fiew days got it misplaced could not find it hav not found it till this day. I could not think of your Steet no. tht explains my not ancering your other letter now as to our ancisters I no very little as I was the youges child and herd but little
said about my gran pairents my father (his father was Preacher Billy Reese so Patterson's paternal grandfather was Thomas Rees) come to western NC from South Carolina I think my gran PaPa Reese (His great grandfather) nane was Travis my father had Several Brothers one named Levi and one named Jackson. Levi lived in South Carolina. Jackson lived in Cherykey Co tha both lived to a Ripe old age some of my grait uncles names was Jessie Reese and Jordan Reese.
I do not no any thing futher back than that do not no whare the record you speak of Rev Thomes having is if it is not destroid it mite be with some of Betsy Corters papers tho I have no way of noing. I wold like very much to see the Book you speak of if I can boen any thing of impotonce futher I will write you. A.H. Reese (is A.H. Reese his son, Ammons Hollingsworth Reese? Ammons didn't die until 1941, he was a cobbler making shoes in his own shop) is very sick with Hip joint diseas he con not git in and out of bed with out taking morphean to didden the
pain I fer he will not expefoker the Dr says it is tubercalosis of the hip joint if it is he will never recover tho I hope for the better He has a larg famly and is in a pittable condition.
C.W. Reese (another son, Curtis Williford Reese, was the 8th of 9 children) sent him 5 dolars I have helped him 10 dollars cash since he has bein sick he has worked very hard until he got partime work. He worked when he ought to have been in Bed. you ought to write Him and try to cher him up and if you hav any spair dollar
inclose it in the letter he will graitly apreciate it and it wold come in good to buy metison with if we ever liston any thing for charity we should do it uppon the living
hope you are all well I will see Welch if he visits the Hill which he will before the Ele chior and urge the mat of promoting you and your boyes. We ar only tol while will he wether is hat and eling here now.
Leila and H.H. (Leila Reese is Patterson's 9th out of 9 children and she married Rev. Herbert Harold Huneycutt) is gown to the Eastern part of the stat H.H. is Pastor of 3 churches down their his salary is one thousan dollars and a House to liv in fece you and the Boyes write me ofton keep me posted as to the prospect of your success to hold your positions
Your Uncle
Patterson Reese